Adult Programs

Suggested for people 18 yrs and older.

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Adult Program News

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Job Search Help

Note: Job Search Help will be offered virtually or in person. Virtual one-on-one meetings will be held by appointment, through Zoom, Skype, Facetime or by phone. For more information or to sign up, email
Dates:By appointment
Beth Gordon, NCDA trained Career Development Facilitator assists patrons in polishing resumes, being better prepared for interviews and getting jobs! For more more information call 518-828-1792 x101, email

Columbia County Photography Club

Note: This club meets twice per month, sometimes in person and sometimes virtually, with some outdoor photo field trips when the weather allows.
Dates: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 6-8pm
Photographers of all ages and skill levels are welcome to join. Share tips and techniques and support one another in photographic endeavors. For more information, please email

Note: this club is independently run by its members, not by the library, but we are proud hosts/partners for both their onsite and virtual meetings.

Hudson Area Library General Reading Book Group

Note: This group is once again meeting in person, in the Hudson Area Library’s Community Room. Masks and social distancing are encouraged at all meetings.
This group covers fiction and nonfiction and meets once a month. Sharon Getty, a longtime Friend of the Hudson Area Library is the group’s facilitator. Check our calendar for upcoming dates and book titles. To register for this book group email Meets once per month in the afternoon or early evening. For more information, contact the library at 518-828-1792 x101. All are welcome.

Hudson Area Library Nonfiction Book Group

Note: This group meets virtually via Zoom.
Focused on history and social and political life in North America, books are chosen by participants to explore issues that are topical today.
All are welcome to join with the hope that participants will impact each other through discussion and community. Mark Orton, a member of the library board, is the moderator for discussions. The group meets once a month in the evening. Check our calendar and the link below for upcoming dates and book titles. For more information call 518-828-1792 x101 or email

See the list of books, past and future, and more here.

Local History Speaker Series

Note: Some of these sessions will be offered virtually while others are offered in person, in the Hudson Area Library’s Community Room. Masks and social distancing may be required for all in-person events.
The History Room Committee’s Local History Speaker Series offers monthly talks on diverse topics related to the history of Hudson, Greenport, Stockport, and Columbia County. Check the library calendar or contact us for information on upcoming events.