Jump to the Head of the Waiting List and Help Us Put More Books on the Shelves
The Hudson Area Library offers the Adopt a Book program so that our patrons can be the first in line to read our newest books. It also gives you the chance to help support the library’s collection development.
All that you need to do:
- Donate $15.
- Pick out a book from the list of adult books or books for children and teens that are available for adoption or request a book “off-list” that you would like the library to own.*
- Contact us to request the book.
When the book comes in, you will be the first to read it! The book will also have a commemorative bookplate honoring your donation.
This program has been a very beneficial program for the library and avid readers alike. It gives patrons a chance to jump ahead of the waiting list for high demand books from authors and it helps the library purchase more books than it otherwise would be able to.
This is a great opportunity for everyone to get involved, use your love of books to make a difference, and see exactly where your donation is going. An adopted book is a gift that can be opened and read, again and again.
You may make your $15 donation by check or in cash, or via credit card by clicking the PayPal donate button below.
* If you wish to adopt a book “off-list,” please contact the library before making your adopt a book donation.